Thursday, January 27, 2011

Breann 1 Year Session

Breann turned one!

She might be my new favorite person.

Not only is she unbelievably adorable...

She is hilarious.

She kept crawling right up to my lens. When I pulled my camera down she would put her forehead against mine.

Her mom said she was giving me a cuddle.

Love her.

Valentine Mini Sessions

My first batch of Nikki James Photography mini session were a HUGE success!

I had such a wonderful time with each tiny person.

I love my job!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Gianna Valentine Session

I said I wasn't going to go back to the bed...

...I lied.

Gianna was hilarious and her momma got a serious workout getting these smiles.

I'd say she is the best Valentine a momma could get.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


This little beauty is a photographers dream.

This session was my last of 2010 and a magical end to the year.

I have a new obsession with this bed.

I know I need to get over it since I can't have every session right here.

How can you get over this?