Thursday, April 21, 2011

Elle 1st Birthday Session

This girl is too much.

To say she enjoyed her cake....

would be a major understatement.

I had the best time with her.

Happy birthday sweet girl!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


My sweet cousin Belle.

Her eyes sparkle when she smiles.

Her hair is to die for.... I couldn't stop touching it.

She is just lovely.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Anna is as sweet as they come.

She was a very serious little girl.

Seriously beautiful.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Riley and Savannah

Two little girls are my specialty.

We dressed them up fancy and had a little dance party.

These two were sugar and spice

and everything nice.

Gianna Easter

Gianna has the perfect little Easter dress.

She must have known how much her momma wanted these pictures, cause she was an angel.

She loved the bunny!

Leaving you with my favorite from the day.


Bailey 6 Month Session

Bailey is 6 months old and as yummy as ever.

She is sweet and funny and she made my day.

I have been photographing her since her beginning.

I can't wait to see her again :)